Redress, one of AsiaSat's Charity Partners, hosted their annual clothing drive. Everyone in the company was encouraged to participate in collecting unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories (i.e. earrings, bags, scarves etc) in November 2017. Collection boxes were placed in our Wanchai and Taipo offices.
Redress is a Hong Kong charity, established in 2007 with a mission to reduce waste in the fashion industry. They run campaigns to educate fashion designers and consumers to make better choices on clothing and to reduce waste, drive and promote sustainable fashion options which can in long term protect our environment
This annual clothing drive is different from the clothing recycle bins at your living complex. Redress partners with commercial corporations on collection of unwanted clothes and accessories, where the collected items will be categorized into 3 types:
- High quality items will be resold at their next pop up store. Money raised from pop up store sales will be used to fund the operations and activities of Redress;
- Items with low reselling value but clean and wearable will be donated to other charity organizations;
- Items not fit for wearing will be upcycled (e.g. make carpets) and donated to other charity organizations.
Your contributions will help to make a better difference to our world.