Messages from our Partners and Friends
"Marsh has been working for AsiaSat as the insurance broker for both Launch and in-orbit operations since the launch of AsiaSat 3 on 25th December 1997.
It took Marsh over 7 years to secure the appointment but during that time we observed as AsiaSat, the first privately owned regional operator, pioneered satellite communications in Asia.
There is no doubt that, rightly, AsiaSat demands the best from each and every one of their vendors and risk management and insurance procurement is no exception.
AsiaSat’s transparent, professional and risk averse approach to satellite and launch service procurement as well as the supportive attitude towards the satellite insurance community has fostered an enviable market relationship which reflects your own approach to doing business with your customers.
Marsh is very proud to have been entrusted as AsiaSat’s broker for so long and we are delighted to share this great milestone as you approach your 30th year since the launch of AsiaSat 1.
We look forward to many more celebrations as AsiaSat moves forward into the fourth decade of successful operation."
— John McL Munro,
Global CEO, Space Projects
Managing Director, Aviation and Aerospace
"Over the past years, we have been experiencing excellent satellite capacity and transmission services along with outstanding collaboration to strengthen satellite business. We are very pleased with this partnership with AsiaSat. We congratulate AsiaSat on their 30 years in Asia and look forward to more collaborations in the years to come."
— Tonda Priyanto, CEO
Weller, Bill
"Congratulations to the entire AsiaSat team, and the alumni, on achieving this milestone! Everyone should be proud of your success starting from being the first private, commercial satellite operator in Asia to becoming the premier regional operator in Asia! SSL is proud to have been selected as your supplier for the last five satellites!"