The actual occurrence of sun outage time and duration depends on many parameters like signal level, data format, antenna size, pointing accuracy and the mathematical model used in the program. The prediction result provided by this program serves only as a rough sun outage estimation, which may vary from the actual occurrence by 5 to 10 minutes, and should not be treated as a highly accurate engineering or operational tool.
The estimation is generally appropriate for earth stations located within AsiaSat's footprints. For sites beyond AsiaSat's coverage, the generated result may be invalid.
Step-by-step Instructions
Click the button below to download a pre-formatted CSV file template. This template defines the headers and structure required for your batch data input.
Follow the downloaded template to prepare your CSV input file. Each row represents an input parameter set for generating an estimation result. Below are the column definitions.
- id: a unique ID for each row
- satellite: must be 'AsiaSat 5', 'AsiaSat 6', 'AsiaSat 7' or 'AsiaSat 9'
- latitude(degree): latitude in degrees, ranging from 0 to 79
- hemisphere: either 'North' or 'South'
- longitude(degree): longitude in degrees, ranging from 26 to 185
- year: @validYears
- band: either 'C' or 'KU'
- antenna size(meter): antenna size in meters, ranging from 0.3 to 30
- season: either 'Vernal' or 'Autumnal'
Click the button below to choose your prepared CSV file from your device.
Click the button below to start the batch estimation process. Upon completion you can download a zip archive containing the estimation results based on your input data.
Please note: the prediction result provided by this program serves only as a rough sun outage estimation.