開始時間: 14/7/2021
結束時間: 16/7/2021
會議: ConnecTech Asia (BroadcastAsia/CommunicAsia/SatelliteAsia/TechXLR8 Asia)
類別: 電訊/訊息通訊/寬頻/廣播/傳媒
地點: Virtual
組織機構: Informa Markets
15 July 15:30 (SGT): Vice President, Data Services Tony Chung, will be joining a interview on "Beyond Capacity - New data and media solutions meeting evolving customer needs" - sharing AsiaSat's latest development and business initiatives, and how the company has diversified and transformed from a pure infrastructure play to service-centric and customer-oriented, offering service solutions that can better serve network customers, both in one-to-many and one-to-one distribution models.